Saturday 15 October 2011

Quick and Easy Green Peas Rice

Hi Friends... Its been a while I visited my blog... Was busy with work....

Today I am going to post very very simple and easy rice recipe GREEN PEAS RICE. This rice goes with any curry and its very easy.


Rice: 1 Cup
Green peas: Fresh or Frozen: 1/4 cup
Oil: 1 tbsp
Jeera : 1 tbsp
Cinnamon: 1 inch Stick
Cardamom: 2
Bay Leafs: 2
Salt: To taste

1. Wash rice and add 11/2 cup of water ( Depending on your rice variety. I use Basmathi Rice) and place in rice cooker.
2. Heat oil in small pan.Add bay leaves,cinnamin, cardomom, jeera and allow jeera to turn brown ( Dont allow till they become black).
3. Now add green peas and cook till they become soft for 5-7 min.
4. Now add this to rice in rice cooker and add salt acocoording to taste.
5. Switch on rice cooker and wait till rice is done.You can cook rice separately also.

Hope you enjoy this simple recipe. Try this with Capsicum Coconut Curry and it tastes awesome. See you soon with next post.:)

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